Canada Gas Prices Increase 2024 – What is the Expected Increase in Year 2024? All You Need to Know

If you thought things were expensive before, get ready for even more expenses in the new year. In Canada Gas Prices Increase 2024 are set to rise due to a mix of municipal fees, passes, and federal and provincial taxes. Canadians already feeling the pinch from high living costs might be hoping for some relief in 2024. Unfortunately, many costs will keep going up, including groceries and electricity bills.

A recent government report reveals that the province’s power utility is asking for a 2.3% increase in rates. This would mean an extra CAD 2 on the average household bill each month starting in April. Currently, rates are 12.6% lower than they were under the previous administration in 2013 and 15.6% below the overall inflation rate from 2017-18. So, with this expected rise, it looks like gas prices in Canada might go up in 2024. Be sure to stay updated on the latest news.

Canada Gas Prices Increase 2024

Canada is a major producer of gasoline. Last year, fuel prices in the country saw significant fluctuations. In the third quarter, prices dropped by 16%. This drop happened because there was less excess fuel and carbon available worldwide, and demand was lower. Gasoline is made from crude oil, so changes in crude oil prices affect power plant costs. For 2024, gas prices in Canada are expected to rise due to a sharp increase in crude oil margins over the winter.

In the GTA, gas prices will increase in 2024.

  • In the New Year, petrol prices in Canada are expected to rise slightly. However, one analyst believes that prices will stabilize and stay steady until 2024. Experts predict that the increase in the carbon tax will raise petrol prices by about 2.5 to 2.6 percent per liter. On the other hand, they also expect crude oil prices to drop, which could lead to a decrease in the overall cost of petrol.
  • Gas prices have already surged significantly due to various geopolitical factors, hitting record highs in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Although prices have now stabilized, they remain higher than before 2022. Experts believe that prices in the GTA will continue to trend downward and stay relatively stable until 2024. This steadiness is partly attributed to the upcoming US presidential election. Historically, petrol prices in the US tend to be more stable during election years because they become a significant issue in the campaign.

Analysis of gasoline costs between the USA and Canada in 2024

A recent report shows how taxes are a major factor in the difference between Canada Gas Prices Increase 2024 and the US, even though gas prices in the US can fluctuate during election years. It also points out that gas demand in Ontario isn’t increasing much, which is expected to help keep prices stable. As 2024 approaches, these studies give a clear picture of the factors affecting gas prices in Canada and suggest that, despite potential challenges, prices are likely to remain relatively stable.

Canada Gasoline prices, January 2024

Gasoline prices were last updated on January 22, 2024. In Canada, a litre of gas costs CAD 1.65, which is about USD 1.22. Globally, the average price for a litre of gasoline is USD 1.19.

CanadaGasoline prices
 Current price1.22
 Last updateJanuary 22, 2024
 Data frequencyWeekly

Why gas is so expensive in Canada?

The sharp increase in petrol prices in Canada is caused by several factors happening at once, rather than just one single issue. The main reason is supply and demand. Many countries have imposed economic sanctions on Russia because of its invasion of Ukraine. One of these sanctions involves not buying crude oil from Russia, which usually supplies a lot of it. As a result, with less oil available and a shaky global market, the prices for refined oil, petrol, and diesel are going up.

The last time petrol prices went over $2 per litre, it was for some pretty clear reasons. As people around the world began driving to work, booking flights, and going on cruises again, oil use started to go back to what it was before the pandemic. This surge in demand caused crude oil prices to shoot up, largely because the global oil industry had been shutting down its fields for years.

How higher gas prices in Canada may affect your investments

Some experts think that a global recession might be triggered by rising oil prices. They point out that every major recession since World War II—like those in 1973, 1979, 1990, and 2007—was preceded by a sharp increase in oil prices. During recessions, stock markets often become unpredictable, which could lead to ups and downs in your investments.


As we move into 2024, Canadians should brace for rising gas prices driven by various factors including increased municipal and federal taxes, as well as higher crude oil margins. Despite some recent stability, overall costs for essentials like groceries and electricity are also expected to climb. With geopolitical tensions impacting oil supplies and global demand fluctuating, these rising costs could have broader economic implications, potentially affecting investments and the overall economy. Staying informed about these trends will be crucial for managing your budget and planning for the year ahead.


1. Why are gas prices in Canada expected to rise in 2024?

Gas prices in Canada are set to increase due to a mix of higher municipal fees, taxes, and rising crude oil margins. Additionally, global economic factors and decreased oil supplies contribute to the expected rise.

2. How much will gas prices go up in 2024?

Gas prices are projected to increase by about 2.5 to 2.6 percent per liter, influenced by a rise in the carbon tax and changes in crude oil prices.

3. How will higher gas prices affect my investments?

Rising oil prices can lead to economic instability and may trigger a recession, which historically impacts stock markets with increased volatility and potential investment fluctuations.

4. Why is gasoline so expensive in Canada compared to other countries?

Several factors contribute to high gasoline prices in Canada, including global sanctions on oil suppliers like Russia, high demand post-pandemic, and supply chain issues affecting oil availability.

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