How to Compute 13th Month Pay? What is 13th Month Pay in Philippines? All We Know

In the Philippines, the 13th Month Pay is an additional compensation given to employees, typically at the end of the year. This benefit is designed to reward employees and encourage their continued hard work throughout the year. The 13th Month Pay is calculated based on the total earnings of an employee over the months. To compute the 13th Month Pay, you need to determine the total basic salary earned by the employee during the year. This total is then divided by 12 to calculate the 13th Month Pay amount. The aim of this benefit is to provide financial support to employees as they wrap up the year. For detailed information on how to compute the 13th Month Pay, refer to the guidelines provided in this article.

How to Compute 13th Month Pay?

December is a festive and busy time of year, marked by various holidays and celebrations. This season is often characterized by gifts, special offerings, and family gatherings, which can also lead to significant expenses. To help manage these costs, many employees receive a 13th-month paycheck, a bonus or supplementary salary provided as recognition for their hard work over the past year.

The amount of the 13th-month pay is based on the employee’s basic salary and their contributions to the company. In the Philippines, the disbursement of the 13th-month pay is a legal requirement. Meanwhile, other countries are starting to adopt this practice as a custom. In some places, this extra paycheck is calculated based on the average salary earned throughout the year.

What is 13th Month Pay in the Philippines?

In 1976, Presidential Decree 851 introduced the 13th-month pay in the Philippines. This mandate ensures that employees receive an additional month’s salary annually. This paycheck is a compulsory benefit for all employees in the country. The Department of Labour and Employment has confirmed that private sector employees will receive their 13th-month pay before Christmas. According to the department’s advisor, employees who have worked for at least one month within the year are eligible to receive this additional paycheck.

The benefit amount will be provided regardless of employees’ rank, status, designation, or payment method. This includes those who have resigned, are on leave, or have been terminated from employment. According to the policy directive, employees who earn at least 1000 PHP per month are eligible for this benefit. It is a part of the welfare program designed not only for employees but also for their entire household.

How To Calculate 13th Month Pay?

In some countries, an extra bonus is given for successful contributions to a company, often classified as a 13th-month pay. This additional payment is calculated based on the total salary divided by 12 months, essentially equating to an extra monthly paycheck. In the Philippines, the calculation for this 13th-month pay is as follows.

13th-Month Pay = Total Basic Annual Salary % 12 Months.

In the private sector, an employee’s basic salary is typically PHP 172,140. When calculating the 13th paycheck, the amount is approximately PHP 14,345.

In some countries, such as Brazil and Italy, the 13th paycheck is integrated into the annual salary, with the total salary divided by 13 months. This approach results in a reduction in the monthly paychecks, as the annual package includes 13 months of salary.

Conversely, in Argentina, the 13th paycheck is calculated as 50 percent of the highest monthly salary received. This calculation is based on the duration of employment rather than a full 12-month period. In South Asian countries, the 13th paycheck is determined as an average percentage of the total salary.

Is the 13th Month Pay Taxable?

In many countries, paychecks are generally subject to taxation. For instance, in the Philippines, any income exceeding PHP 90,000 is taxable. Employees earning more than this threshold are responsible for paying the applicable taxes. Conversely, in Austria, earnings are taxed at a lower rate of 6 percent.

It’s important to note that a paycheck typically does not include additional insurance payments, such as health insurance or security deposits. The paycheck reflects only the basic salary. Furthermore, allowances such as overtime pay, holiday bonuses, compensation for unpaid absences, night shift premiums, and unused paid leave are not included in the paycheck.

All We Know About 13th Month Pay

Some employees are fortunate enough to receive a 14th-month paycheck, which is calculated in the same manner as the 13th-month paycheck. The decision to issue this additional paycheck is still under discussion, and, as of now, 14th-month paychecks are offered on a voluntary basis and depend entirely on the employer’s discretion.

If the proposed bill passes, the 14th-month paycheck would become a legal requirement. Government employees are entitled to both the 13th and 14th-month paychecks. Additionally, freelancers, household helpers, and contract-based workers are also anticipated to benefit from such incentives.

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