ODSP Payment Dates Schedule 2024

The Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) is a financial assistance initiative for eligible residents of Ontario who are in need. If you qualify, you will receive monthly payments in addition to any other income you earn. To receive ODSP, you must apply, and the amount you receive depends on your specific circumstances. Let’s explore the details of ODSP payments, how to apply, and eligibility requirements.

2024 Direct Deposit Dates

Once approved for ODSP, expect your payments to be deposited on the last business day of each month. For 2024, the schedule is:

  • January 31
  • February 29
  • March 28
  • April 30
  • May 31
  • June 28
  • July 31
  • August 30
  • September 27
  • October 31
  • November 29
  • December payments TBD

For those without a bank account, the Ontario government provides reloadable payment cards instead of paper cheques.

ODSP Benefit Amounts

ODSP benefits include a basic amount and a shelter allowance, totaling up to $1,308 per month for living costs. Additional benefits can be applied for if approved for ODSP, such as:

  • Prescription Drug Coverage
  • Dental Coverage
  • Vision Coverage and Glasses
  • Mandatory Special Necessities Benefit
  • Transportation for Medical Appointments
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding Nutritional Allowance
  • Assistive Devices Coverage
  • Hearing Aids and Devices
  • Batteries and Repairs for Mobility Devices
  • Special Diet Allowance
  • Guide Dog Benefit
  • Extended Health Benefit
  • Transitional Health Benefit

These benefits vary based on individual circumstances and other disability-related expenses may also be covered.

ODSP Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for ODSP, candidates must have a significant mental or physical impairment expected to last at least a year, affecting their ability to work or care for themselves. Other requirements include:

  • Being at least 18 years old
  • Being an Ontario resident
  • Demonstrating financial need
  • Having assets within the program’s limits

Income Requirements for ODSP

Eligible income types for ODSP include employment insurance and earnings, excluding certain incomes like child support payments, Ontario Student Assistance Program funds, Registered Disability Savings Plan payouts, and certain federal and provincial tax benefits. Exempt assets include your primary residence, primary vehicle, and some savings plans, with asset limits set at $40,000 for individuals and $50,000 for couples.

How to Apply for ODSP

Applying for ODSP can be done online, taking about 20-30 minutes. Required documents include birth certificates, SIN numbers, immigration papers, banking information, tax returns, and OHIP cards. After submitting, you’ll be contacted within 15 business days for a verification appointment with an intake caseworker. Following this, if financially eligible, you’ll need to complete a disability determination package with a healthcare professional. A decision from the Disability Adjudication Unit follows within 90 days.

Other ODSP Benefits

ODSP recipients may also qualify for additional benefits under the Ontario Social Assistance Program, such as Ontario Works, Temporary Care Assistance, and Assistance for Children with Severe Disabilities.

ODSP Employment Supports

ODSP includes employment supports for those who qualify, requiring candidates to be at least 16 years old, Ontario residents, legally able to work in Canada, and have a long-term disability impacting job acquisition.

ODSP Payment Increases

ODSP payments have seen increases tied to inflation, with a 6.5% rise in July 2023 for basic needs, shelter amounts, board and lodge amounts, and services by Long Term Care Homes and Specialized Care Residences. The next increase will depend on inflation rates.


If you reside in Ontario and have a severe, long-term disability that impacts your ability to work and support yourself, you may qualify for ODSP. The application involves a doctor’s confirmation of your disability and an online application, followed by a verification process with an intake caseworker. The process may take several months, so it’s advisable to apply as soon as possible.

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